Update #8 - Patch 25th April 2023


THE DEAD RISE - Direct a group of survivors in a turn-based strategy survival game. Use survivor abilities, scavenge for resources, all while navigating a warped reality strewn with inexplicable phenomena. Come nightfall, undead seek the living. Can you survive, UNDEADLY?

Hi there I've made some fixes and improvements. [list] [*] [b][Quality of Life][/b] You can now select survivors that have no action points remaining. [url=https://trello.com/c/ZGNL0Vd8/58-you-should-still-be-able-to-select-survivors-who-have-no-ap-remaining]Link[/url] [*] [b][Quality of Life][/b] When switching between next/previous survivors, the order is a little smarter than before, grouping nearby survivors together. [url=https://trello.com/c/BSn6KByE/14-changing-between-the-previous-next-survivor-should-change-to-the-nearest-instead-of-halfway-across-the-map]Link[/url] [*] [b][Quality of Life][/b] Added a button to reset all settings and a button to reset just the colour settings in the options menu. [*] [b][Quality of Life][/b] Survivors who cancel an operation like studying or healing will now have their action points refunded for that turn. [url=https://trello.com/c/Xpe0sHjU/19-when-cancelling-healing-in-the-medical-bay-or-studying-in-the-library-refund-ap-spent]Link[/url] [*] [b][Bug][/b] Fixed the bug where the game speed reset when a menu was closed. [url=https://trello.com/c/vlEhZy4N/57-resuming-a-menu-resets-the-game-speed-to-default]Link[/url] [*] [b][Bug][/b] Fixed a bug where menu fields would incorrectly trigger the scroll bar. [*] [b][Bug][/b] Fixed a UI navigation bug that occurred when removing a task in the workshop. [*] [b][Bug][/b] Fixed a bug where updates would reset your settings. [*] [b][Bug][/b] Fixed a bug where the game would not successfully load in some circumstances. [/list] Thanks ːsteamthumbsupː Ryan