Update 8.2 is out - including 3 new levels!

Robot Roller-Derby Disco Dodgeball

A futuresport FPS where you race around a skate park / dance club and nail each other with dodgeball trick shots. Singleplayer + Local Multiplayer + Online Multiplayer with 27 different objective-based game modes...or create your own!

Have a huge new update live. Here's the details: New map: Epicenter [img]http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/5831165/1e8131685640ad5058c8ed9ca1ced78dee4bc343.png[/img] New map: Skate Park (based on workshop submission by Axogandr) [img]http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/5831165/9e63d20e3592e81b0b7e1f8c270acc656cc28943.png[/img] New map: Crescent (based on workshop submission by X Kirby) [img]http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/5831165/37939853d0e7546e662a931cb8305715485c9a37.png[/img] [h1]Features[/h1] [list] [*] Tired of flying accidentally off the top of ramps? Bots now 'stick' to the surface when moving up a ramp, giving you much better movement control. [*] Added level shuffle options ‘Random Large’ and ‘Random Small’, if you have a large or small lobby of players and don’t want levels that are a size mismatch [*] Added new ‘Arena Tint Lighting’, which is a dynamic pixel light that provides additional shading to arena textures with a small performance cost. [*] Can trade 15x dodgecoins for random Rare+ item (chances: Rare 65%, Epic 25%, Legendary 10%) [/list] [h1]Fixes[/h1] [list] [*] Fixed getting stuck on ramps by changing the shape of the player's wall collider [*] Bots are better at targeting navigation points directly beneath them [*] Fixed missing lighting in end-round bot portraits [*] Fixed Arcade not ending if bot was killed by EMP self-destruction [*] Fixed bots sometimes respawning with EMP state if previous bots KOd with it in Arcade [*] Improved bot navigation when target is directly below them [*] Fixed and re-enabled Incognito Mode [*] Fixed bug where changing customization mid-match would cause your own meshes to be shown in your first-person view [*] Ball ignores throwing player's colliders temporarily, prevents issue where backwards-moving bots in online multilplayer would throw a ball that collides with themselves [*] Fixed loading hitch with Chodge Darger [*] Fixed bug where FFA Team Colors from being applied in modes where 2-team settings were fixed and not selectable in match settings [/list] [h1]Adjustments[/h1] [list] [*] You now shoot at the hoop that matches your team color, not the ‘enemy hoop’ [*] Ball deflection mission only takes 10 deflections (down from 25), MP value reduced from 3 to 2 [*] Added ‘quit’ buttons back to Challenge and Arcade final menus [*] Made craft recipe icons larger for improved readability [/list]