Update 56.4 is now available


NeuroVoider is a twin-stick shooter RPG set in a cyber futuristic world about brains shooting around evil robots with nuclear rocket launchers. Battle through the horde of vigilant robots, boost your character with the smoking remains of your victims, and defeat the master NeuroVoider.

[img]http://cdn.edgecast.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/10214180/48493068fd3b34555d745ddbccc293504d016ffe.png[/img] Uh oh Voiders! v56.4 is a very small emergency patch to fix Hi-DPI handling on Windows 10 Creators Update (Windows build 1703 and more recent). The game will no longer start twice as big as it is supposed to on 4K displays. You can say thanks to Microsoft for breaking DPI awareness of countless applications with a Windows update. Cheers!