Hunt a bug, win a signed PS4 box! [CONTEST OVER]


NeuroVoider is a twin-stick shooter RPG set in a cyber futuristic world about brains shooting around evil robots with nuclear rocket launchers. Battle through the horde of vigilant robots, boost your character with the smoking remains of your victims, and defeat the master NeuroVoider.

Hey Voiders! In our quest to make v57 the most stable version ever of NeuroVoider, we are organizing a bug hunt contest. This future v57 already fixes all known issues (that are not compatibility issues) except one... one that we are unable to reproduce and therefore fix. [b]UPDATE: We found the bug thanks to a player report! Thank you very much for participating![/b] [h1]Win a signed PS4 copy[/h1] Here comes the contest! We need your help, and we're putting a signed PS4 copy of NeuroVoider on the table. The first person to post instructions to fully reproduce the bug will win it. EDIT: if you're not into PS4, the winner will have the choice to replace it with 3 codes for game for any platform. [img][/img] So try to be as specific as possible (how many players? which one have a gamepad? what are their player indexes?). Try to write down your game seed before testing the bug, and be sure that you are able to reproduce the bug based on your own instructions. Posting a video would help greatly, but is not required. [h1]Bug description[/h1] The game may crash in the "build selection" screen (that's the screen where you choose your class and skill). And that's basically it... we don't have any other information. It may (or may not) be related to multiplayer games. [h1]Rules[/h1] [list] [*] You must own the game on any platform; [*] Only this very specific bug counts toward winning this contest; [*] We must be able to reproduce the bug based on your instructions; [*] The first person who will post in [url=]this thread[/url] instructions that allow us to fix the issue wins (do not post in this news comments). [/list] Happy hunting!