Cumulated hotfixes for v57.7


NeuroVoider is a twin-stick shooter RPG set in a cyber futuristic world about brains shooting around evil robots with nuclear rocket launchers. Battle through the horde of vigilant robots, boost your character with the smoking remains of your victims, and defeat the master NeuroVoider.

[img][/img] Uh oh voiders! We sneakily released a bunch of hotfixes since the release of v57, so now is a good time to wrap up all the changes within the current v57.7. Note that you can always access the full changelog in the game's files. Thanks to anyone contributed to helping find these issues! Have an awesome week! [h1]New[/h1] [list] [*]Seasonal easter eggs [/list] [h1]Changes[/h1] [list] [*]Improved Japanese localization [*]Improved game controller support on all platforms [/list] [h1]Fixes[/h1] [list] [*]Fixes issues with the rendering of some Japanese and Russian characters [*]Fixes a crash when trying to see the credits in Japanese [*]Fixes a partial description of weapons in the Japanese localization [*]Fixes ¿ character being ™ in the Spanish localization [*]Fixes keyboard input not registering correctly on some Linux distribution [/list]