Update 4.8.0


Join THE FINALS, the world-famous, free-to-play, combat-centered game show! Fight alongside your teammates in virtual arenas that you can alter, exploit, and even destroy. Build your own playstyle in this first-person shooter to win escalating tournaments and lasting fame.

[h3][b]Shred, forge, and fix your way to victory![/b][/h3] This week’s update cranks the volume to 11 with store items that bring the noise and some much-needed fixes to The Arena. Take center stage with [i]Death by Rhodents[/i]! Smash your foes in style with the Wrath of Rats Set, complete with a sledgehammer electric guitar that riffs on inspect, or embrace your inner fan with the Thrash Rat Bundle. Prefer a more refined edge? The Synthronium Forge Set lets you channel futuristic craftsmanship in every encounter. On the technical side, we’ve tuned up a whole bunch of bugs and included some much needed quality of life changes with everything from fixing the interrupt steal contract not rewarding players properly, to a new accessibility option that replaces flashbang whiteouts with blackouts. Looking ahead: Tomorrow kicks off Week 3 of the ISEUL-T Cup, alongside a brand-new community event. Stay tuned for all the details in tomorrow’s notes! Check out this week’s store update: https://youtu.be/ZoraoYX2CLA And now, let’s dig into the fixes! [h3][b]Content and Bug Fixes [/b][/h3] [b]Animation [/b] [list] [*][i]Fix for rare cases where animations could get stuck in the charge and slam pose[/i][/*] [*]Fix for animations looking wrong when quickly inspecting after throwing a carriable[/*][/list] [b]Audio [/b] [list] [*]Added a potential fix to audio issues that caused weapon sounds to loop or not make any sounds [/*][/list] [b]Contracts[/b] [list] [*]Fixed a bug with the contract for interrupting steals that would sometimes not reward players properly[/*][/list] [b]Game Modes [/b] Cashout Gamemodes [list] [*]The flashing indication on the cashout station marker now plays for everyone, regardless of which team is stealing the cashout[/*] [*]Fix for vaults no longer spawning when two cashouts are completed in the exact same frame[/*][/list] [b]Gameplay[/b] [list] [*]Fixed the bug that turned leaking gas canisters into shields when picked up [/*] [*]Fixed an issue that caused gamemode objects (Cashboxes, Transfer stations, etc.) to “bounce” up and down in situations where they think they are out of bounds[/*][/list] [b]Maps [/b] Monaco [list] [*]Fixed an issue near the park shed that allowed the cashbox to fall out of the gameplay space[/*][/list] Kyoto [list] [*]Re-fractured wall destruction into larger chunks to reduce the amount of small-scale debris and make destruction more consistent with other maps [/*][/list] Kyoto, Seoul & Skyway Stadium [list] [*]Objective spawns have been added back to moving platforms and elevators [/*][/list] [b]Movement[/b] [list] [*]Fixed an issue where input could become locked when using the Mesh Shield and inverted vertical camera control[/*][/list] [b]Performance & Stability[/b] [list] [*]Fixed an issue that caused the contestant selection portion of the pre-round not to show [/*][/list] [b]Security[/b] [list] [*]Added a new cheating detection rule[/*][/list] [b]Settings[/b] [list] [*]Fixed characters being stretched in strange ways when using an aspect ratio narrower than 16:9[/*] [*]Added an accessibility option to make the flashbang blackout the screen, instead of a whiteout[/*] [*]Added input hints to the settings menu [/*][/list] [b]Specializations[/b] Grapple Hook [list] [*]Added improved targeting, to solve the recurring bug where the hook would hit invisible targets [/*][/list] Dash [list] [*]Fixed an issue that allowed players to interrupt dashes by emoting, making them lunge further than intended[/*][/list] [b]UI[/b] [list] [*]Fixed an issue where explosive damage in the damage log would show the weapon that triggered the explosion instead of the explosion itself[/*] [*]Gameplay UI is hidden while in the settings menu so that it's not visible while in the Video settings[/*] [*]Made sure the Matchmaking information widget snaps to the correct location in ultra-wide resolutions[/*] [*]Added input hints to all items when equipping[/*] [*]Added the emerald rewards on the World Tour info screen[/*] [*]Fixed an issue where the wrong sponsor might be shown in the map introduction sequence[/*][/list]