An open-world RPG, set in the Golden Age of Caribbean piracy. Embark on a 200-hour-long adventure, plunder cities and ships, explore the unknown, discover treasures, forge friendships, earn bounties on your head, and charm the ladies on your path to ultimate freedom!
[b]What's new:[/b]
[*] Fixed Isla Mona crew storage limit.
[*] Cupid balm now lasts for 90 days.
[*] Implemented stealth checks when confronted by guards, even without raising a neutral/friendly flag on the ship -[b] this is a rather significant feature that forgot to include in the release version[/b].
[*] Corrected the representation of 36-pounder coulevrines in the GUI, displaying their actual caliber instead of gunport size.
[*] Made numerous fixes to The Caleuche, including the ship and the associated quest.
[*] Increased loading speed, so say goodbye to reading loading screen tips.
[*] Continued to refine and improve the English translation with further fixes and enhancements.