Update 19 - Big Bird


A wholesome family appropriate story of bestiality, human sacrifice, and graphic violence! Play as the Minotaur as you hack and slash your way out of the labyrinth, and experience freedom.

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/26346052/ff1d5e21b03ed8a4f0e216236782db27d14aa8d7.jpg[/img] [b][u]What's New?[/u][/b] - Added a new semi-boss to the Sky Level, I call him Big Bird because he's just a giant guy in a bird costume. He has a normal slashing attack, and an ultimate that's unblockable, knocks you down, stuns you, and takes away 80% of your health. But he has an audio tell so you can avoid it, and on Easy the delays are longer and his attacks less frequent. - Fixed a bug in the Temple Level affecting Minotaur's Target Lock. - Fixed a bug with Mouse Input, where the Left Mouse Button would do a Swing AND a Chop. Costing tons of stamina. - Improved Big Cultist in the temple. Gave him demonic sounds to make before every attack, and made him a bit more aggressive (on difficulties higher than Easy). And doubled his hitpoints so he can't be killed with 2 Aerial Chops. - Added light reflection probes to the rest of the levels. So puddles of blood that build up near them, will now reflect parts of the level (instead of just lights). - Added cloth physics to Minotaur's armor skirt, to make it move around as Minotaur moves.