Update 15: Locomotion, Wall collision, Bug Fixes

Master Bladesmith

This unique RPG blends VR action and progression. Mine materials, buy equipment, build your arsenal by crafting more and more powerful blades. Battle in the Time Chamber to test your creations as you progress through levels, and build your character as you upgrade your equipment.

[h1]General Locomotion fixes:[/h1] [h2] You can no longer walk through walls[/h2] - Walls are now a collide-able object both via locomotion but also via walking with real-life head / body - These changes make falling out of the world impossible or very hard to do - if you still manage to fall out of the world, the game will reset you back up - book menu changes to make locomotion options more functional, but also more legible. - When scrolling through the backpack, rotation will now be disabled [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36307142/82b960a842800c768bf6a04866db6099e93714e3.jpg[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36307142/659a79be146f539cf4eb591ce9bfe44e751c3e45.jpg[/img] [h1] First Person Locomotion Changes:[/h1] - You will now rotate in one place, and can no longer rotate to traverse inside other objects via rotation - Axis of rotation will always work correctly no matter where you stand in your VR area, or which way you're turning (even outside your VR area), this has greater reduced motion sickness for smooth rotation - Default rotation speed has been approximately doubled - and greater option to adjust for speed - You can no longer rotate and move simultaneously by default in smooth turn mode - this can be turned off - You can no longer walk up onto forge - You can no longer walk up onto wall baseboards - Archways improved to allow very tall people to pass under [h1]Teleport Locomotion Changes:[/h1] - You can no longer teleport through the floor at certain angles with the spline - The teleport spline will do a much better job of keeping the doors open - The teleport spline will do a much better job of finding spots on a staircase - The teleport spline won't allow you to get too close to a wall [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36307142/b2bc09cf2964c1a0d0a15efa61255334319d67b4.jpg[/img] [h1]For New Players:[/h1] - The difficulty curve has been adjusted - the first 30 levels are now easier this should ease people into the game easier - The first 4 relics have been made much easier to acquire - Highest difficulty relics will now have a higher chance of spawning closer - making sword throws more possible and less frustrating - however rarity has been increased to compensate - easier to get relics remain unchanged - The player will be rewarded with a small amount of arrows early on (before level 15)- to ensure they can't get stuck with no arrows and no money - Arrows at the beginning of waves have been further reduced - If the Auto Benchmark crashes the game (rare) when trying to determine your GPU on startup it won't attempt to determine it on new restart (keeping the max crashes to this at 1) [h1]Graphical improvements:[/h1] - Gates added at entrance to the lower mine - (much more to come here) [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36307142/1d4c96b958b8daf5d085e138910a6d6f1edb49f5.jpg[/img] - Ore on the conveyor belt will no longer float - Ore getting dumped into the wash plant will now have correct physics always [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36307142/0fc0bb79cedc5234e51f320967d24e7986494f5a.jpg[/img] - Ore falling into the grinder will now have correct physics always - Texture animation on the wash plant conveyor has been improved - Texture animation on the wash plant belt has been improved - Ore will combine with stacks or like ores visually instead of disappearing - Ore/Gems have a destruction animation now if destroyed by the grating instead of disappearing - Cleaver graphic fixed in Cleaver blade page - Missing polygons and Z-fighting on wooden pillar fixed [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36307142/0a3d53d3528db6d4f733b542318173fe825a4ac9.jpg[/img] - Anything resembling a red cross has been changed to a red heart [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36307142/6727fdfa2e627b098948c00b9ba05ad7f487e820.jpg[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36307142/54c80614430a5489636e64cc9902ddc7b00ee325.jpg[/img] - Z-fighting visual artifact removed in the museum - Texture bleed though onto the back of the reward signs fixed - Some other minor graphical improvements - walls lining up, unnecessary polygons [h1]Tutorial Voice:[/h1] - Voice volume increased by 10% - Voice specialization removed to allow those with only one working earphone to still hear the voice - When tutorial voice is speaking it will now reduce volume of other sounds more - When tutorial voice is speaking it will now reduce volume of ambience [h1]Misc. Fixes:[/h1] - You can no longer lose the crucible to the wall in the smithing area - You can no longer lose your sword or other items to the wall in the smithing area - Increased price of the starting shield to prevent it being bought before acquiring one from the starter chamber - The bow on your characters back can no longer collide with things - Options book will no longer reset on top of the journal or vice versa - Coin display shouldn't show backwards progression - Coin display shouldn't show previous levels with irrelevant coin displays - You can no longer take a single fake coin into the shop form the rewards bag - You can no longer jump ahead from level 70 - 90 in rare cases - You can now equip your shield to your left hand as well as your right hand on initial equip - If you happen to drop string in the middle of the bow stringing into the bag it will reset the bow attachment, instead of bugging an attachment point - Gear sounds improvement - Can no longer pull an arrow out of quiver during pause - Forge door no longer closable on crucible