
Letter Lancers: Prologue

A 4-player couch co-op rogue-lite bullet-hell that will have you and your friends laughing your way through epic battles! Grab your friends, pick your characters, and get ready to ruin someone's day! Level up, select from hundreds of modifiers, get loot, and earn your place on the leaderboards!

Environment Traps: - Enemies can now be hit by traps at half damage - Spike traps can’t hurt flying units - Cannonball traps now deal knockback Buffs: - Spirit Totem: Duration increased from 1s to 1.1s - Spirit Totem: Bullet speed increased from 20 to 22 - Sundisc: Bullet speed increased from 15 to 19 - Blowgun: Poison on hit increased from 1 to 3 - Thunderbolt Staff: Cooldown decreased from 1s to 0.9s - Shock Debuff: Area radius increased from 2.75 to 3 Quality Of Life: - Updated the mana bar image to visually match mana pickup colors - Gems are now automatically collected on room cleared Fixes: - Sundisc: Corrected weapon description - Thornmail: Corrected an issue where thornmail weapon was able to roll summon mods.