Update #10

Endless Horde

The horde is here to eat your brain and murder every single one of your scientists. Gather your forces, this is the last stand before we lose the facility! Place guards, close doors, and position traps. Survive as long as you can!

Endless Horde v2.2.4 is now online! [img]http://cdn.edgecast.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/28340092/b9c851b3f02f851024d0aca08bb7208e5418c841.gif[/img] [h1]New features/Improvements[/h1] [list] [*][b]Acid Barrels.[/b] Acid barrels have been placed in the map as part of the default map defenses [*][b]Lifebars.[/b] Damaged undead will now have lifebards [*][b]HP Range.[/b] The maximum and minimum hp of the undead in the map will now show up in the HUD. [*][b]Balancing.[/b] Some weapons have been buffed so they are more useful with the current gameplay difficulty, [*][b]Resolution.[/b] A different resolution algorithm has been implemented, hoping to widen the supported range of computers. [*][b]Achievement Fixes.[/b] Fixed several bugs related to the achievements [*][b]Splash screen.[/b] The splash screen has been removed. [*][b]Minor Changes.[/b] Fixed some typos and made several optimizations here and there. [/list] [h1]Incoming New Stuff[/h1] [list] [*]Optimizations to the undead, hoping to increase performance. [*]Survivors Log. In this section, the best players of the previous year will be displayed. [/list] [h1]Words from the devs[/h1] [list] [*]With the new addition to the HUD and the help of the players we hope to fix the bug where the Undead gets super buffed. Edit: The bug has been fixed. Will be mentioned in the next update. [*]Join our new group! Once gather enough members we'll give away cool stuff. [url=http://steamcommunity.com/groups/ominousgaminggroup]Join us![/url] [/list] And as always, thanks for your support!