HALLOWEEN SALE! 40% off and new update!

Endless Horde

The horde is here to eat your brain and murder every single one of your scientists. Gather your forces, this is the last stand before we lose the facility! Place guards, close doors, and position traps. Survive as long as you can!

We hope you have a happy Halloween sale! Endless Horde v2.2 is now online! [img]http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/28340092/dbf1d343cd2067fddd71233d49fec0eb7472bf80.gif[/img] [h1]New features/Improvements[/h1] [list] [*][b]Map Defenses.[/b] Turrets and some guards have been placed in the maps to help the player fend off the hordes during the early waves. [*][b]Gameplay Tips.[/b] New gameplay tips were added to the loading screen [*][b]Difficulty Balancing.[/b] The HP of the zombies will now be increased every 3 waves. The more scientists dead, the more it will increase. The game will now be a bit harder. [*][b]Fixed Props.[/b] Several tweaks to the props so they don't block the sight of the units [*][b]SoundFix.[/b] Fixed the annoying bug where you could still hear sounds that were not on camera [/list] [h1]Incoming stuff[/h1] [list] [*][b]More Map Defenses[/b] [*][b]New achievements.[/b] [*][b]New Units.[/b] [/list] [h1]Words from the devs[/h1] [list] [*]We want to apologize for the late update and the delay of Deadly Escape's release. With hurricanes in the north and earthquakes in the south, some of our devs got affected. Nothing serious but enough to cause delays. [*]As always, if you liked the game, don't hesitate to write a review. We plan to update this game for a long long time, your reviews are always helpful. [*]Don't hesitate to post about any bug you may find! [/list] And as always, thanks for your support!