Update Coming Soon. Check out Zombie Desperation, 40% off!

Endless Horde

The horde is here to eat your brain and murder every single one of your scientists. Gather your forces, this is the last stand before we lose the facility! Place guards, close doors, and position traps. Survive as long as you can!

Hello Everyone There will be an update soon that will incorporate one or two new features based in the feedback from the forums. But for now, we wanted to tell everyone to check out Zombie Desperation, another wallet friendly game. [b]For a limited time 40% off, you can get it for....... $0.60![/b] [img]http://cdn.edgecast.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/32262387/4f469a1c2ea5e7efd2425a0f0ef4ce360a75946e.gif[/img] Just like Endless Horde, Zombie Desperation also has a leaderboard where the players have been struggling for the top spots. Can the Endless Horde community overtake them? Looking forward to see that. You can see a small video of the game down here. As you'll see, simple gameplay, gory horror fun, more than enough to pass some time or to keep you busy if you want a top spot in the leaderboard. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=it2C3D_MmHw Wherever you are interested in the game or you just wish to support us with you 60¢ to help us keep making games, we will be really grateful for your purchase. https://store.steampowered.com/app/818570/Zombie_Desperation/ As always thank you for your support!