Update 1.61 Portuguese - Brazil added!

TOMORROW DON'T COME - Puzzling Depression

TOMORROW DON'T COME is a contextual puzzle game about depression and how it feels to be stuck.

Happy New Year everyone! <3 Thanks to to help of [url=https://steamcommunity.com/id/gregstrider]Greg[/url] we now have subtitles available in Portuguese - Brazil! Also added with this update: [list][*]Added a safety net for when you ALT + F4 out of "Trapped" which prevents messing up your mouse cursor speed settings. [*]Fixed a bug in "Curtain" which made the frame rate unstable. It was just one little checkbox to deactivate. I really don't know when this happened. ^^ [*]Fixed a bug in "Curtain" which would make one subtitle only show up for half a second. I wish you all the best in this new calendar cycle. Stay strong, be safe. Peace & Love Patrick