Update 1.51 - 4K Support

TOMORROW DON'T COME - Puzzling Depression

TOMORROW DON'T COME is a contextual puzzle game about depression and how it feels to be stuck.

Here's another small update. Thanks to one of you sharing a picture of the game, I noticed there was a linking error with the new font in the chapter Safe. I was quickly able to fix it, but we then noticed that some of the texts are not scaled correctly when playing the game in a resolution higher than 1080p. It took a few hours, but now the game officially supports resolutions up to 4K! :) I do not own a 4K screen, that's why I never saw this error, so please keep on [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/758570/discussions/0/3377008022037187916/]reporting bugs[/url] if you see something not looking right. I'm just one person here with a limited setup, trying my best to not let any bugs slip through. Peace & Love Patrick