TOMORROW DON'T COME - Puzzling Depression

TOMORROW DON'T COME is a contextual puzzle game about depression and how it feels to be stuck.

Hey all you lovely people! :) It's this time of the year again. How are you holding up? If you need someone to talk to during the holiday season, please feel free to send me a friend request. I'll be around for you. <3 I couldn't simply let this year end without another update. So here are the latest improvements & bug fixes coming with v1.60: [list][*][b]Curtain:[/b] [list][*]added small improvements to chapter when achievement "Dead End" gets unlocked on first playthrough [*]Improved transition back to chapter[/list] [*][b]Trapped[/b]: [list][*]adjusted motion blur when playing with controller[/list] [*][b]Menu[/b]: [list][*]fixed a bug where all progress would get reset after resetting chapters [*]fixed a bug which would show the wrong hint when having subtitles enabled[/list] [*][b]Safe[/b]: [list][*]fixed a bug where empty space at bottom would lead to wrong chapter [*]fixed a bug where chapter "Let me die" would play shock wave effect at the beginning after clicking on empty space at the bottom of "Safe" [*] Improved transition to chapters when clicking on empty spaces at the bottom. [*]fixed a bug which prevented the possibility to open the Safe before completing all chapters[/list] [*][b]Voices[/b]: [list][*]added new solution, the way it had been originally intended but I did not technically know how to implement back then[/list] [*][b]Looking back[/b]:[list][*] fixed a bug where sound file would keep playing when coming back to Chapter [*]added additional way to get to the solution of the chapter since it's the one most people struggle with[/list] [*][b]Misc[/b]: [list][*]improved end screen [*]fixed an audio bug where background sound would keep playing when coming back to Chapter from one of the chapters[/list][/list] Please report any bugs you encounter and suggestions you might have [url=]here[/url]. Sometimes I simply forget to test something. Never make a game with branching paths! :D Thank you for this incredible year. I want to hug each and single one of you! <3 Peace & Love Patrick