Update 1.6 is now live on the main branch

Rogue State Revolution

Greetings your Excellency. Time to rebuild, reform and prepare for new challenges in the People's Republic of Basenji. In this thrilling political strategy, you will appoint ministers and lead the country to success. Be careful — you may find yourself replaced in the next election.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35678577/4580b81ffb8fd1abc877ee429906eee502e522cd.png[/img] Hello everyone. Update 1.6 is now live on the main branch. This update should hopefully address some issues that people have been having in the game. [h3][b]Minor Mechanical Changes[/b][/h3] Tier 3 farms are significantly less likely to desertify. [h3][b]Bugfixes[/b][/h3] ⚙️Two significant memory leaks were addressed ⚙️Edge-case crash when closing space program window fixed ⚙️Edge-case crash when sharing intelligence fixed ⚙️Units pathfinding over bridges repaired ⚙️Faith sites no longer spawn in mountains ⚙️Oryx no longer spawn in mountains, nor do they enter them ⚙️Loan confirmation windows now show the correct numbers if you possess a bank ⚙️The space program risk mitigation checks no longer have rounding errors ⚙️Sharing intelligence now works as intended for cordial relationship levels, feedback updated accordingly ⚙️Player-trained units no longer spawn in towns ⚙️Tile rendering bug addressed [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35678577/5d709f98ebcae7d9baca2d5c50118dff42ba1450.png[/img] Thank you as always for supporting this game, leaving your feedback and reviews, and being part of the Rogue State community! Let us know your thoughts on this update in the comments or over at the [url=https://discord.gg/modernwolf]Discord[/url].