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Rogue State Revolution

Greetings your Excellency. Time to rebuild, reform and prepare for new challenges in the People's Republic of Basenji. In this thrilling political strategy, you will appoint ministers and lead the country to success. Be careful — you may find yourself replaced in the next election.

We're granting you another 50% OFF Rouge State Revolution to give you the chance to take charge of the nation! [previewyoutube=E5uNkfyE9rY;full][/previewyoutube] [h3]YOUR REIGN[/h3] 🪖 Appoint Ministers to help govern the various elements of your proud nation. 🪖 Listen to your advisors who have devoted themselves to helping your presidential reign. 🪖 Build roads, grow infrastructure and develop industries. 🪖 Manage 5 different provinces, each with their own cultural background, voter types, and expectations. 🪖 Make tough decisions — balance favor with ministers, voters, and allies to maintain your power. 🪖 Deal with totally normal occurrences like bipedal mechs getting loose or an infestation of oryxes. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1145340/Rogue_State_Revolution/ Head over to [url=https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1145340]our news hub [/url]to see what updates and new mechanics have been added to the game since launch. 🐔 Subscribe to our [url=https://modernwolf.us20.list-manage.com/subscribe/post?u=0170491d28dcf4572dff7495c&id=8b7adf1cd7]Newsletter[/url] 🐔 Join the [url=https://discord.gg/ff4hRvrwhF]community Discord[/url] 🐔 Subscribe to our [url=https://modernwolf.us20.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=0170491d28dcf4572dff7495c&id=8b7adf1cd7]Newsletter [/url]