Update 1.4.18: Improvements to the ledge.


Brawlout is the platform fighting game, designed for couch play, online ranked matches and competitive tournaments. Now at 2.0!

[img]https://steamusercontent-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/941708627442857060/5E45F424F35FBB70287C325DB836E9A644A39026/[/img] [b]THE UPDATE ONSLAUGHT CONTINUES[/b]. These changes should make the ledge a bit more interesting, making maneuvers such as ledgedashing and approaching with a rising aerial attack from a ledgehang possible/viable. [h1]NEW:[/h1][list] [*]Jumping now has a 8 frame buffer. [*]You can now fastfall from a ledgehang by double tapping down. [*]There is now a 0.5 second ledge regrab timer that is active when attacking from ledge.[/list] [h1]ADJUSTED:[/h1][list] [*]You can now act faster after jumping off of the ledge. [*]You can now fastfall right after wavedashing off of a platform.[/list] [h1]FIXED:[/h1][list] [*]Fixed a bug in 1.4.16 where players couldn't downtilt on platforms without cstick.[/list]