Update 1.3.51: Money To People

Space Wreck

The biggest little RPG in the world. Post-apocalyptic retro space adventure with an extreme focus on role-playing and replayability. Inch wide, miles deep - intentionally short yet surprisingly deep.

[b]Main focus[/b] [list] [*] Janis Kaposts on BULTA would no longer refuse to talk to you if too pissed off; instead, he'll explain his frustration and you get a [speech] chance to work with him. [*] Fix and improve the money pooling questline for "Shady investment" - Claudia, Geno Dilkirk and Kaposts should cooperate better. [*] Restored content - make sure all NPCs on BULTA actually have the money in the inventory; so players can access it in different ways beyond talking. (Pickpocketing, knocking out with a gas etc.). [*] Restored content - fix and update the optional drug-snitching (with double-cross) quest on SEPIKODA ("High Problems"). [/list] [b]Minor fixes:[/b] [list] [*] Fix minor map issues in BULTA shuttle bay. [*] Fix a stuck dialogue when building a crane on KURBADS. [*] Fix hatch that leads to void on KROGUS. [*] Fix various reported typos and dialogue errors. [*] Finn Alley reacts if you have already disabled cambot. [*] Fix buffs and effects from memories and VR carrying over to reality. [*] Overwrite chapter save when starting a new game. [*] Add a way to interact (right click -> OTHER) with the hatch that something was put on (e.g. enemy was knocked out on top of it). [*] Fix the entry about reading the terminal not triggering in the "KURBADS story" quest. [*] Fix cannot show Steve's note to Kylee after the initial conversation. [*] Fix Bossman is left naked on SEPIKODA after giving you a quest reward. [*] Fix Assault suit on SEPIKODA is not working as a faction disguise. [*] Fix Dana arrested. [*] Fix Yuri arrested. [/list]