Update 1.24

A smaller hotfix patch as we try to sort out some of the bigger issues. [b]Patch notes:[/b] [list] [*]Optimized memory performance, memory crashes should be much less frequent [*]Made the 'Perform Rotbloom' objective at the Healed Self checkpoint less confusing. [*]Fixed a bug involving being unable to select some chapter 3 checkpoints after making keepsake progress [*]Billie should no longer kill you after [spoiler]becoming your friend[/spoiler] [/list] We are still paying close attention to bug reports, more patches are on their way! [hr][/hr][u][i][h2]Bug Reporting[/h2][/i][/u] As always, if you encounter any bugs or issues, please let us know in the pinned [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/2240790/discussions/0/4358997447065080831/]Bug Reporting Discussion thread [/url] or let us know on DreadXPs Discord server https://discord.gg/ptjs9jpU Lastly, leave a review for Sucker For Love: Date To Die For, and let us know what you think!