Update 1.24

Sucker for Love: Date to Die For

Put the ‘love’ in 'Lovecraftian horror!' Avoid the fanatical cultists and survive dangerous rituals to escape the Black Woods with your life in this 90’s anime inspired visual novel!

A smaller hotfix patch as we try to sort out some of the bigger issues. [b]Patch notes:[/b] [list] [*]Optimized memory performance, memory crashes should be much less frequent [*]Made the 'Perform Rotbloom' objective at the Healed Self checkpoint less confusing. [*]Fixed a bug involving being unable to select some chapter 3 checkpoints after making keepsake progress [*]Billie should no longer kill you after [spoiler]becoming your friend[/spoiler] [/list] We are still paying close attention to bug reports, more patches are on their way! [hr][/hr][u][i][h2]Bug Reporting[/h2][/i][/u] As always, if you encounter any bugs or issues, please let us know in the pinned [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/2240790/discussions/0/4358997447065080831/]Bug Reporting Discussion thread [/url] or let us know on DreadXPs Discord server https://discord.gg/ptjs9jpU Lastly, leave a review for Sucker For Love: Date To Die For, and let us know what you think!