Sucker For Love: Date To Die Post Launch Update

Hey everyone! Thank you for checking the game out; the response has been overwhelming! We've been keeping an eye on the discussion threads and on Discord, and we have come back with some more bugs squashed! Again, if you come across more, send them our way! [hr][/hr][u][i][h2]Patch Notes[/h2][/i][/u] [list] [h3]Chapter 1:[/h3] [*]Various bug fixes [h3]Chapter 2:[/h3] [*]Putting up your book when Billie is approaching will no longer crash the game [*]Billie won't continue approaching you while the game is paused [*]Billie won't disappear after she runs out of things to say. [h3]Chapter 999:[/h3] [*]Removed an interaction caused by beating Chapter 999, starting it over, and then resuming play from near the end that creates [spoiler]unsaveable hostages.[/spoiler] [*]You can no longer avoid being killed by the teen girl with the bat if you leave the room quickly enough [h3]Chapter 1000:[/h3] [*] Leaving basement after [spoiler]the final boss battle[/spoiler] no longer crashes the game [*]Getting killed by crows won't crash the game or cause jump scare warning continuously [*]Third heart starts beating during Chapter 4 as intended [/list] [hr][/hr][u][i][h2]Bug Reporting[/h2][/i][/u] If you encounter any bugs or issues, please let us know in the pinned [url=]Bug Reporting Discussion thread [/url] or let us know on DreadXPs Discord server Lastly, leave a review for Sucker For Love: Date To Die For, and let us know what you think!