Update 1.2 to the Turn-Based Carnival Discounts -25%

Get To The Gate

GetToTheGate is a RPG about a girl that needs to reach the Gate to the world of the living while being extremely scared of monsters. When her fear builds up, she loses her mana and runs to safety. Find a shortcut to bypass the enemies and explore the dungeon from a new location ^_^

[h1]Update 1.2[/h1] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43308437/22f0b370983094a1a6a4ebe4b38cb64f5925099d.png[/img] [list] [*] Added an interface for quick skill selection. Just hold the skill button to open the radial menu. [*] I added some decorative elements to the levels. [*] Fixed errors in dialogues. [*] Fixed another bug in the quest to sell a sword. Previously, the dialogue with the check was skipped, due to which the player could sell the sword in his hand. [*] Fixed a bug that caused character models to disappear during JRPG fight if you swapped one sword or shield for another. [/list] [h1]Also, specially for the Turn-Based Carnival there are Turn-Based RPG Bundle![/h1] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43308437/c0d6be9fe335e0f3593bf618dae78f653a2ab847.png[/img] [list] [*] [url=https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/46629/][u]ːsteamhappyːBundleːsteamhappyː[/u][/url] [/list]