Update 1.1 available now! Introducing Company Contracts & Full Automation!

TransOcean 2: Rivals

In TransOcean 2: Rivals you face a new challenge as the boss of your own shipping line in both single-player and - for the first time - multiplayer mode: The international competition has gotten a lot tougher and the battle for the most lucrative contracts has only just begun.

[img]http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/9828783/28721f1cd7e37cfdacc2d3766b0e98f02f207eb6.jpg[/img] Good news: Our latest update to version 1.1 for "TransOcean 2: Rivals" is now available. Next to numerous and exciting company contracts it also includes a whole new full automation feature for your fleet. We hope you will enjoy it! [b][u]TransOcean 2 – Patch Notes 1.1:[/u][/b] [b]New Features: Company Contracts & Automation[/b] [list] [*]Endless Mode now has a new menu for company contracts. Opening it the first time brings up a short guide to using it. [*]You can also access these instructions at any time via the ? icon at the top of the company contract menu. As always, [F1] displays an additional menu help window. [*]Company contracts are about entering into a long-term relationship with a company, thereby securing the transport of large volumes of cargo from A to B. This must be completed within the contract period, which means more ships are needed to meet the company contract. [*]New company contracts are available on the first of each month, but only in regions in which you have at least one subsidiary. No subsidiaries, no company contracts! [*]How automation works: You can accept multiple company contracts and join them together to create a route. You can assign as many ships as you want to the route. They will then travel it, automatically fulfilling all company contracts along it. These ships can also be automatically repaired as long as at least one company contract destination has a Repair Dock. [/list] [b]Balancing:[/b] [list] [*]Profit shares from tugboat companies have been slightly reduced. [*]Profit shares from refineries have been increased. [*]A subsidiary now only generates €50,000 a week in Endless Mode. [/list] [b]Bug fixes:[/b] [list] [*]The Donate button for donating money in Competition Mode is now correctly grayed out when your account is frozen. [*]When selecting a ship’s destination in the World Map, the ship’s range is updated directly after refueling. [*]The correct business owner is now always displayed in sabotaged wharfs. If you sabotage a wharf, the Buy button correctly unlocks if you are able to pay the reduced price. [/list] [b]Miscellaneous:[/b] [list] [*]In the contracts list, it is now possible to scroll the dropdown list of anchored ships (with the mouse wheel or by dragging with the left mouse button). [*]In the "Game" options menu you can find a new checkbox called "Show voyage evaluation". It refers to the newsticker messages about incoming vessels, that are shown on the left side of the screen. The checkbox offers the opportunity to deactivate all these messages for all game modes (except for the campaign). [/list] We hope you will enjoy the update! Your TransOcean team