Update 1.0.6 available now!

TransOcean 2: Rivals

In TransOcean 2: Rivals you face a new challenge as the boss of your own shipping line in both single-player and - for the first time - multiplayer mode: The international competition has gotten a lot tougher and the battle for the most lucrative contracts has only just begun.

[img]http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/267214130201840670/69C5EBA5C17D878F6671CC0572725576A0E8EC8E/[/img] Dear community, since many players expressed the desire for an option in the single-player mode that will grant them more time for planning their next moves or tactical maneuvers we are very happy to respond to this wish today by publishing a first major update for "TransOcean 2: Rivals". In addition to some other improvements regarding the gameplay the much desired option to pause the game will be implemented with this patch! [b][u]TransOcean 2 - Patch Notes v1.0.6: [/u][/b] [b]New features:[/b] [olist] [*]New pause function (only available in single-player) [list] [*]It is now possible to pause the game in the single-player modes, if the player wishes to do so. [*]The pause function is now enabled by default. It is possible to enable and disable this function anytime during a running game in the options menu. [*]While the pause function is enabled the game will pause automatically during the following situations: [list] [*]As soon as a ship reaches a port. [*]When you enter the port screen. [*]While you look at ships in the wharf or browse for upgrades in the upgrade dock. [*]Every time a menu such as the contract list, the ship report, the cash flow or the victory point statistic is opened. [*]When as ship has been repaired. [*]When a ship has been upgraded. [*]While a direct destination of a ship is being selected via the world map. [/list] [/list] [*]The victory point screen now shows if victory points have been earned through the unlocking of region bonuses. [*]The frame rate has been limited to maximum 120 fps (frames per second). [*]The limit of the maximum vertical screen resolution of 1200p has been removed. The original resolution of the graphic elements is still 1080p. [/olist] [b]Balancing Adjustments:[/b] [olist] [*]The ship’s wear and tear has been slightly minimized. [*]AI improvements have been implemented. [/olist] [b]Bug Fixes:[/b] [olist] [*]General: [list] [*]It was not possible to use the help function by pressing the key “H” while the ship list was closed. [*]A rare calculation error of the repair costs has been fixed. [*]Several localization and text problems have been fixed. [*]The performance while scrolling longer lists has been optimized. [*]Excessive fuel consumption could result in a negative fuel gauge. [*]The world map zoom did sometimes not reset properly. [*]A possible display problem of the ship selection has been fixed. [*]Rare button or menu malfunctions as well as overlapping menus have been removed. [*]Faulty victory point calculations have been corrected. [*]A bug which resulted in a game freeze due to a certain combination of actions, quests and game length has been fixed. [*]The direction of the mouse wheel during the creation of a profile has been corrected. [/list] [*]Campaign: [list] [*]The third goal of chapter 3 is now being evaluated correctly. [*]In certain circumstances it was not possible to select the destination port during the tutorial of chapter 4. [*]In chapter 5 it was possible to put an offer on Lydia Blithe-Smith’s shipping company even with a frozen bank account. [/list] [*]Multiplayer: [list] [*]If a player changed his name inside the „room“, a copy of the profile could appear in the lobby. [*]A bug has been fixed that in some cases prevented the end of a game. [/list] [*]Competition mode: [list] [*]A bug which could cause the AI to go inactive has been fixed. [*]The AI now attempts to fulfill quest goals with more fervor. [/list] [*]Mini game [list] [*]Enemy vessels now appear red on the mini-map. The player’s ship is white. [*]Light reflections in the mini game have been improved. [/list] [/olist]