Update 1.1.6 - Released

The Life Of Greather

You are just a simple farmer, your wife has not returned. Venture across this open medieval world and find her.

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/26069945/b0e20e14890ff53693836f070417f04646a5d5fe.png[/img] [b]*Re-designed all menus and interfaces.[/b] [b]*Added copper inside buildings for you to steal and changed the initial starting amount. In addition to removing some starting weapon locations.[/b] [b]*Improved audio quality (all cutscenes and character voices)[/b] [b]*Improved music quality[/b] [b]*Updated bandit capture events. [/b] [b]*Added weapon pickups from more enemies.[/b] [b]*Fixed black square effect glitch on certain objects.[/b] [b]*Minor enviroment tweaks and text prompt changes along with an additional voiced line.[/b] [i]- Game icon and Store artwork also updated.[/i]