Update 1.07 - New Collision Model, Settings and the first unlockable Characters

Super Space Pug

Super Space Pug is a classic arcade shmup. Take control of 'Demetrius the Third'(Space Pug) to defend your personal space from the evil, fish flinging cats and random rocks because its a space shmup, and without rocks it would be rather non-space-y.

Hello Pugsters! In the upcoming days the Pug will be upgraded to get better than before. [h1]New Things[/h1] - Updated Collision Model [i]After a few initial issues with it, I am replacing the collision models of the cats, dragonflies and gunshots with a new BBX method, not taking the Animation size into account. This will make navigating the maze of Asteroids and Fishes a bit easier[/i] - Unlockable Characters (the first three) [i]Having more than One Pug available makes things interesting, I think. We will start with different shadings, and as the time progresses, we'll see which kind of Characters will join the Roster... did anyone say Corgi?[/i] - A few Difficulty Tweaks [i]As it gets incredibly difficult to navigate the maze of Fish and asteroids, I will increase the time between shooting from enemies.[/i] - New Enemy Spaning System [i]To stay in line with current Bullet Hells, I will implement a new system to spawn Enemies, allowing me to make swarms, invasions and everything.[/i] - Resolution Selection and Fullscreen [i]As Requested, you get a little Box at launch, allowing you to select Fullscreen and Resolution or let it autodetect for you.[/i] [h1]Community Update Vote[/h1] For the First Community Update, you'll have the following Choices: - Boxes with Bonus Point Emeralds - Shopkeeper, selling you Upgrades or Unlockables for Points - Pug-Babies to Rescue (3 Puggies = 1 Extra Life!) Leave your Vote as a comment! Regards, Dex