An immersive, first-person survival shooter where you step into the boots of Special Agent Aiden Clark. Dive deep into a hazardous underground laboratory, tasked with the perilous mission of neutralizing a biological menace and securing a pathogen sample.
[h1][b]The update includes:[/b][/h1]
[*] New items and locations
[*] New types of enemies
[b]Added locations:[/b]
[*] Technical room
[*] Dining room
[*] Shower room
[*] Improvements to the room with phantom copies
[b]Changes in mechanics:[/b]
[*] Weapon balance fixed
[*] Increased reload and shooting volume, enhanced weapon recoil for better shooting experience
[b]Battles and bosses:[/b]
[*] Completely reworked boss fight on the 3rd location
[*] Replaced soundtrack for the boss battle
[*] Added new boss - Shadow Stalker (can summon its copies and teleport when taking critical damage)
[b]New enemies:[/b]
[*] Grabber (a biomass growth hanging on the wall that releases a pathogenic worm to capture passing living organisms)
[*] Swarm (moves between nests, attacks living organisms that approach it)
[*] Scientist in protective gear (similar to regular zombies, but has a vulnerability in the form of an oxygen tank on its back)
[*] Copy (rushes to the character, making short teleports in space, dealing serious damage upon reaching the player)