An immersive, first-person survival shooter where you step into the boots of Special Agent Aiden Clark. Dive deep into a hazardous underground laboratory, tasked with the perilous mission of neutralizing a biological menace and securing a pathogen sample.
Hello everyone!
OUR GAME DEV INDUSTRY has nominated PATHOGEN X for the final stage of the public voting, which has officially started in Russia and the CIS countries!
I’d like to kindly ask for your support—please vote for Pathogen X!
If we win, I’ll release several new events and updates for both Pathogen X and our new game by the end of this year!
You can log in via social media or email.
If we win, I’ll attend OUR GAME DEV INDUSTRY’s event, and we’ll meet at the game exhibition!
I’ll be incredibly grateful for your support!
Everyone who participates will receive free beta-test access to upcoming games.
The voting ends on November 22, 2024.
Feel free to share your voting screenshots here so I don’t miss anyone when distributing beta-test access.
Subscribe and stay updated through our VK group: