An immersive, first-person survival shooter where you step into the boots of Special Agent Aiden Clark. Dive deep into a hazardous underground laboratory, tasked with the perilous mission of neutralizing a biological menace and securing a pathogen sample.
- Fixed sound and music settings
- Lens flare setting has been removed from the menu, as it is not displayed correctly when shooting
- Reduced the head sway/bob parameter, when taking damage, from barrels and monsters ( now practically none)
- Shotgun power changed from 25 to 45
- Increased the shotgun clip from 6 rounds to 8
- Increased knife attack range from 200 to 300 and hitbox radius from 10 to 20
- Added button fixes related to the gamepad
- The gamepad key designations have also been added to the settings menu
- Fixed a bug after killing robots that left objects in the air
- Changed the health of monsters :
- The spit now has 270 health units, there were 400
- An ordinary zombie has 170 health units, there were 200
- Fixed the difficulty level, including the damage multiplier :
- The difficulty levels "difficult" and "expert" have a slightly lower damage multiplier and HP than before.