Update 0.9.1 (Preview)

Gym Tycoon

Gym Tycoon! Build & manage your own gym. Start small and work your way up. Evolve your business into a unique world-renowned gym capable of training prize-winning customers!

[b]This is an update for the 'preview' beta. You can join the preview beta by going to Properties > Betas.[/b] [h1]Features[/h1] [list] [*]Added reception desk for helping customers. [list] [*]Make sure to assign an employees to them. [/list] [*]Completely redid the applicant system. [list] [*]Applicants will now walk to your reception for a membership. [*]You can set an Intake Policy in the customer menu. [/list] [*]Added a speech bubble system. [list] [*]You can now see conversations performed at the reception desk. [*]Also used if a person can't reach something or can't find something. [/list] [/list] [h1]Bugfixes[/h1] [list] [*]Fixed customers sometimes walking through the front door 3 times when entering. [*]Fixed bug where 2 days are skipped if you hit spacebar while the first night is skipped. [*]Fixed widget component spamming a lot of warnings due to an internal error. [/list] [h1]Other[/h1] [list] [*]Updated translations. [/list]