Update 0.7.1 Patch Notes

Starship Troopers: Extermination

Starship Troopers: Extermination is a 16-player co-op FPS that puts you on the far-off frontlines of an all-out battle against the Bugs! Squad up, grab your rifle, and do your part as an elite Deep Space Vanguard Trooper to take back planets from the Arachnid threat!

Update 0.7.1 will be available for troopers to download today, [b]May 6th, 2024[/b], at [b]10 AM PT (GMT-7)[/b]. This patch is a collection of quality-of-life changes, performance improvements, and numerous bug fixes. Some fixes affect video and graphical settings, so troopers should review them after the update. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43269229/93d002fc3dd0ae1acd9cea1e8d357cfac8188162.jpg[/img] The [b]Double XP[/b] event has [b]concluded [/b]with the launch of Update 0.7.1. Double XP[b] will return[/b] at a later date. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43269229/f8f287a7e58c5a722265f1a97e760330a37d8a87.jpg[/img] [h2][b]Known Issues[/b][/h2][list][*] "First Aid Stim Dart" will not provide XP to troopers when healing other troopers.[/list][h2][b]Quality-of-Life[/b][/h2][list][*]Settings for Lumen and Ray Tracing now need to be manually enabled in the video settings.[*] Fixed the inconsistency on the progression table for the [b]TW 202-L Morita Hawkeye[/b]. [*] Fixed the inconsistency regarding the effect “[b]Extended Magazines[/b]” provided. [*] Fixed the inconsistent description of “[b]Extended Magazines[/b].” [/list][h2][b]Tuning[/b][/h2] [h3][b]Federation Tuning[/b][/h3] [b]Demolisher[/b][list] [*] Adjusted the ability “Barrage” cooldown from 60 seconds to 40 seconds.[/list]Currently, the Demolisher sat in a bit of an odd place where, with an effective team, you would have almost no good points to use the ability. This is a temporary solution while we look at how to improve this to be more consistent. So, for now, troopers enjoy more grenades! [b]Ranger[/b] [list][*] Reduced Ranger speed while holding a canister while using the boost jet ability. [/list][b]Canisters[/b] [list][*] Reduced interact time to pick up canisters from [b]1[/b] to [b]0.3[/b] seconds.[/list][b]Emplacement and Mobile MG[/b] [list][*] Reduce interaction time to use MG Turrets from [b]1[/b] to [b]0.3[/b] seconds.[/list][b]Engineer[/b] [list][*] Reduced turret limit from [b]5 [/b]to [b]1[/b] per Engineer.[/list][b]E-Pulse 88 CSW[/b] [list][*] Increased reserve magazines by[b] 1[/b]. Increasing from [b]4[/b] to [b]5[/b].[*] Increased rounds per magazine from 40 to 50. [*] Increased range by [b]10m [/b]from [b]60m [/b]to [b]70m[/b].[/list][b]E-Pulse 44-A2 Rifle[/b] [list][*] Increased range by [b]10m [/b]from [b]50m [/b]to [b]60m[/b]. [*] Increased reserve magazines by [b]1[/b]. Increasing from [b]5 [/b]to [b]6[/b]. [*] Increased Damage by [b]33% [/b]from [b]90[/b] to [b]120[/b].[/list][b]E-Pulse A1 Pistol[/b] [list][*] Increased Range from [b]35m [/b]to [b]40m[/b].[/list][b]TDW-99 Morita Tactical SMG[/b] [list][*] Increase reserve magazines by[b] 2[/b]. Increasing from [b]5 [/b]to [b]7[/b]. [*] Reduced Reload Speed down to [b]1.9 [/b]seconds and [b]2.1[/b] seconds for tactical and dry reloads (with and without ammo in the chamber), respectively.[/list][b]FU-17 Flamethrower[/b] [list] [*] Increased max slow inflicted on Bugs by about [b]10%[/b] from around [b]30%[/b] to [b]40%[/b].[/list][b]Quick Reload Mag[/b] [list] [*] No longer has a negative to mag size Increase reload speed from [b]20%[/b] to [b]30%[/b] [/list][b]Extended Mags [/b] [list][*] Removes[b] 1 [/b]reserve mag now instead of [b]25%[/b] of reserve ammo. [/list][h2][b]Performance Changes[/b][/h2][h3][b]Other Improvements[/b][/h3] [list][*] Server Performance tweaks.[/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43269229/bdce70c237e0e8a9ff494b1e373f027aeba8fc0d.jpg[/img] [list][*] Fixed an issue with Video Settings not saving properly. [*] Fixed an issue where Upscaler and Upscaler quality settings would reset on launch. [*] Fixed an issue where Global Illumination defaulted to Lumen Hardware RT. [*] Fixed an issue where AZERTY keyboards could not bind the move-forward key. [*] Fixed an issue where players would not be granted XP when reviving others. [*] Fixed an issue where the "LV Visor" animation would break when being swapped to another utility. [*] Fixed an issue where the Engineer Mobile Build Tool could build all base options outside of the build zone. [*] Removed the 2x Scope from Hawkeye Sniper Rifle Mastery as it was not intended to be there. [*] Fixed an issue where pressing the “Q” key will activate the Morita XXX Sniper Rifle Bipod when the user is crouching and facing a wall or other structure. [*] Fixed an issue where AMD FSR causes all scope reticles to move violently around the scope. [*] Fixed an issue where spawning as a Sniper or as a Medic with a “First Aid Stim Dart” and “Scan Dart “equipped will result in a broken spawn state. [*] Fixed an issue where the loadout screen displays E-Pulse and Flamer weapons as having unlimited range. [*] Fixed an issue where the Inferno bug had no LODS. [*] Fixed an issue where the Shock Beacon would not stun Bugs. [*] Fixed an issue where the Split and Slug shotguns with the Long Magazine Tube weapon modification would reload forever. [*] Fixed an issue where “Double XP” would not be displayed in the After Action Report. [*] Fixed an issue where the player could walk through the rock near the Dropship on the Vakaka AAS Map “AAS_FDPump2". [*] Fixed an issue where the Valaka Hive Hunt map “Hive Hunt VP CM1_1” had a floating Sphere. [*] Fixed a terrain gap on Agni Prime during an AAS mission. [*] Fixed an issue with floating landscape textures on Agni Prime. [*] Fixed an issue on a bridge ramp having the wrong texture on Agni Prime. [*] Fixed an issue where ARC/AAS layers on Agni Prime would have Valaka sand textures. [*] Fixed an issue where the small part of the rock on Agni Prime did not have a collision. [*] Fixed an issue where the poles on Agni Prime have no collisions. [*] Fixed an issue where some bugs could get stuck in the rock formations on Agni Prime. [*] Fixed an issue where the lava would not consistently deal damage to some bugs during the mission on the Agni Prime. [*] Fixed an incorrect texture applied to the Peacemaker. [*] Fixed an issue where the Federation flag on the FOB bunker appears broken and distorted when further away from it. [*] Fixed an issue with the E-Pulse 44 having a broken magazine texture. [*] Fixed an issue where the FU-17 Flamer could not damage Bugs in close range. [*] Fixed an issue with the Scan Grenade description being incorrect on the Loadout screen. [*] Fixed an issue where shooting Inferno Bugs directly on its armor carapace doesn't decrease the damage received. [*] Fixed an issue where the Reinforcements Warning would appear during the Extraction phase. [*] Fixed an issue causing the knife to appear black in silhouette when performing a melee. [*] Updated image on the "Scan Pulse" screen. [*] Fixed an issue with the Morita XXX Sniper where the 2x and 4x Scopes would not display in the Loadout menu. [*] Fixed an issue where there was no cooldown period between usage for the First Aid Stim Dart. [*] Fixed an issue where the swapping animation of the Build Tool would stutter when swapping from the TDW-99 Morita Tactical SMG. [*] Fixed an issue where “Watkin's Trigger” would reduce Reinforcement count. [*] Fixed an issue causing the "Not Valid Target" prompt to display when the “Overcharge Module” is aimed at Twin MG. [*] Fixed an issue where some weapons using the “Quick Reload Mag” attachment could reload even with a full magazine. [*] Fixed an issue where the “Reflex Sight” holographic dot would increase in size with “Image Upscaling”. [*] Fixed an issue where the “MK1 Optic Field Test” Mutator is missing the scope. [*] Fixed an issue where the “Triage” passive skill adds 40 seconds to the Bleed Out timer when a user is incapacitated near a Medic Class. [*] Fixed an issue where the "Already Equipped" icon would not update properly when equipping another utility or perk while on the same screen. [*] Fixed an issue where Shotguns would not unlock attachments or progress through weapon mastery. [*] Fixed an issue where the reload animation when using “Quick Reload Mag” is not in sync with the reload speed. [*] Fixed a crash related to fetching user avatars. [/list]─── [h2]Would you like to know more?[/h2] That's all troopers for Update 0.7.1. We're always looking for more troopers to chat about our goal of exterminating the bugs, so come join the [url=https://discord.gg/starshiptroopersgame][b]ST:E Community Discord![/b][/url]