Join the GIRLDIVERS, humanity's last line of offense against an overwhelming alien menace. Command sexy girl soldiers in a rich campaign full of randomly generated challenges, unforgiving enemies, sci-fi gadgets, and heavy firepower. Engaging in lewd punishments and rewards along the way.
[h1]Fantastic Launch[/h1]
The game's big release on Steam has allowed players a chance to play further into the game content, as well as allow a lot more players to be exposed to it. As a result, we have a lot more feedback than we did with the demos!
We're very happy with the response so far!
Thanks to this new feedback, we're introducing some changes to make the game even better!
[b]Highlighted Change[/b]
[*] You can now use gadget hotkeys without needing to hold down left control. Control is now just used to bring up the menu.
[*] Reduced Tunneller projectile collision size
[*] Reduced Tunneller projectile speed by 22%
[*] Increased distance at which Tunneller will start spitting projectiles
[*] Increased Tunneller cooldown between spits
[*] Reduced the damage the player takes from their own rockets by 30%
[*] Reduced the damage the player takes from their own grenades by 30%
[*] Buffed Victoria Gun Run's damage per bullet by 25%
[*] Buffed Victoria Bombing Run's damage per bomb by 11%
[*] Reduced Victoria Bombing Run's damage to the player by 17%
[*] Made the inside of enemy artillery warning circle slightly red (Some users, when first encountering the artillery, thought because it was fully transparent that the inside of the circle was safe)
[*] Increased how long the player is immune to damage after respawning
[*] Reduced Supply Package gadget deploy time (4 seconds -> 2 seconds)
[*] Reduced Hot Shot Rocket gadget deploy time (3 seconds -> 2 seconds)
[*] Reduced Hot Shot Rocket gadget cooldown time (200 seconds -> 120 seconds)
[*] Reduced Extra Life gadget deploy time (3 seconds -> 2 seconds)
[*] Fixed pilot dialogue being stuck open if you die before it closes
[*] Fixed Holo Girl tutorial text for gadgets accidentally including control text for [LMB] on the line about being your first
[b]Small Changes[/b]
[*] Renamed "Superstar Celebrity Diver" achievement to "Superstar Diver"
[*] Fixed "Council" not being capitalized on line 4 of Dash's lose event
[h1]Lets play![/h1]
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[]View the Demo[/url]
[url=]Full Game[/url]
Thanks for reading ;3
~Captain Cake