Update 0.10.0 and new developments


Extraneum is an old-school, sci-fi single-player first person shooter with an emphasis on exploration and secret hunting. Fight your way through biohacked monstrosities and stop their progress before they take control of the entire world.

A new update has just been released (0.10.0)! This update brings a handful of bug fixes and a couple new features; [list] [*]Enemies can now go through doors with locks when they're unlocked [*]The music has been updated [*]Waterfalls (water, sludge, lava) have been redesigned [*]Rain and waterfalls now have appropriate sound effects [*]Slightly changed grenade physics to keep them in the air longer [*]Controller vibrations have been added [/list] Regarding the planned levels for episodes 2 and 3, things have been very slow because of my total lack of inspiration. With that said, I've had the change to talk to Noah, developer of the awesome old-school fps Viscerafest, and he agreed to join me in designing new levels for the game! Hopefully this means we'll be able to pick up the pace and release new maps soon. Go check out Noah's game Viscerafest on Steam if you haven't done so yet; [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/1406780/Viscerafest/]https://store.steampowered.com/app/1406780/Viscerafest/[/url] As always, thank you so much for your support, and stay awesome! :) - David