Development update - Spring 2024


Extraneum is an old-school, sci-fi single-player first person shooter with an emphasis on exploration and secret hunting. Fight your way through biohacked monstrosities and stop their progress before they take control of the entire world.

Hello everyone! It's been a few months since the last update, so I wanted to let you all know what's been happening since. Episode 2 is almost complete, and episode 3 is coming along, but yet again, I'm afraid we underestimated the time it would take to finish, test, and polish everything. As such, we'll have to once again push the release date, which should now be around Autumn 2024. Big apologies to everyone. With that said, rest assured that we're still working away on the game, and episode 2 will be especially big, detailed, and excitingly fun. Trust us, it's worth the wait! [img][/img] Again, thank you for your continued support, and stay awesome! David