Progress update - Autumn 2022


Extraneum is an old-school, sci-fi single-player first person shooter with an emphasis on exploration and secret hunting. Fight your way through biohacked monstrosities and stop their progress before they take control of the entire world.

Hi all! It's been a while and I figured it was time for a small update on what's been going on with the development of Extraneum. Ever since the Realms Deep event on September 15th, I've been in a depressive slump and development has slowed to a crawl. I'll get better soon I'm sure, but I believe I owed it to you to be completely transparent about it. Also, I've been thinking about it, and if I want to be able to release v1.0 in a timely manner, I'll be forced to cut down on the number of maps I initially wanted to do, going from 24 to 16. As a solo dev, I have to do everything by myself, and level design is particularly time consuming. I thought of hiring a level designer, but I just can't afford it right now. And I'd rather give you quality content, than a bunch of subpar level that only serve to fill the gaps. This also means that the episodic structure will have to go, and instead of having 3 episodes of 8 levels, the game will have one single unnamed episode of 16 levels. This shouldn't have an impact on your save file, however. The next update, v0.9.0, will be released in November, and include what is technically the first level of episode 2, along with a handful of minor features and bug fixes. As always, thank you so much for your support, and stay awesome! :) - David