Update 0.1.3 - 72 achievements, 20 rooms and more!

The Rare Nine

The Rare Nine - ultrafast and explosive beat 'em up, in which you should break through the darkness and hordes of undead in a giant skyscraper. Also you can enjoy a lot of great chiptune music.

[img]http://cdn.edgecast.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/30941066/c95f95e110fb6692de13e920cd01f4aecfe80d3f.png[/img] [h1]Added:[/h1] [b]72 achievements added![/b] [b]20 new rooms added![/b] Disable blinks option added Open door tint added Added outline effect on some ingame inscriptions [h1]Changed:[/h1] Now you can open options menu from pause mode.