The Rare Nine - ultrafast and explosive beat 'em up, in which you should break through the darkness and hordes of undead in a giant skyscraper. Also you can enjoy a lot of great chiptune music.
In this global update there is a huge amount of innovations and changes, including main objectives, new types of zombies, artifact items and full support for the gamepad and much more, read about it below.
Game become into "Beat 'em up" genre
Added "Wheel of fortune" menu, where you can get random objectives
Added "Artifacts", its a power-up items which you can get from objectives
New zombie types
Full support for the gamepad
New in-game interface
All characters was redrawn
New effects of blood and poison
New rooms, include safe, old rooms was deleted (all 50)
Added two endings for objectives (complete and fail)
New total cash system, which able to accumulate all money from completed objectives
Controls menu added
Now you can change music and sound volume in settings
Gameplay speed was increased
Walk physics has been changed
New level tiles layer system
Improved hit system
Zombies are spawning as hordes now (real hordes)
Main menu has been changed, now you can use keyboard only or gamepad, icons added
Settings menu was changed
Health regen reduced
Audio optimization
Fixed infinite death animation bug
Zombie attack animation fixed
One hit death bug fixed