Update 0.1.2 - A lot of fixes and changes

The Rare Nine

The Rare Nine - ultrafast and explosive beat 'em up, in which you should break through the darkness and hordes of undead in a giant skyscraper. Also you can enjoy a lot of great chiptune music.

[img]http://cdn.edgecast.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/30941066/d90378262ca41fb3d7b29736bb4a238305e94f60.png[/img] [h1]Added:[/h1] New Adrenaline effect added. Version control system added. [h1]Changed:[/h1] Now stats of bosses are equal to character health and damage. Zombies are little bit weakened. Now if zombies gonna spawn beside to character, they are will be weakened. Mr.Grey health are grown [b]+185%[/b] Hard zombies now a little bit stronger. Rage ability become in half a weak for bosses. Cash reward for boss kill now are little bit randomed. [h1]Fixed:[/h1] Turning on fullscreen bug fixed. Black screen on start bug fixed. Grey boxes after death bug fixed. Some bugs, leading to game crush, are fixed.