Upcoming Patch 1.3

Astra Protocol 2

Monitors have received notification of an unknown event, referred to as ASTRA PROTOCOL. You have been designated search and reconnaissance to determine the meaning of this ASTRA PROTOCOL. SECONDARY OBJECTIVE: Find evidence of survivors. PROBABILITY OF HOSTILES: HIGH.

Ahoy Captains, We're starting work on the next feature patch (1.3). The focus of this patch is mainly gameplay and quality of life improvements. The main themes we're looking at improving and changing are: [list] [*] Additional ship commands [*] Improvements to how objects are spawned, which should make long distance travel more interesting and reduce the frequency of certain ships appearing early in a run. [*] Tweaks and improvements to the AI [*] Additional terminal configuration [*] Additional documentation [*] Quality of life improvements [*] General code fixes and performance improvements [/list] As with the previous patches, we have no current timescale to when the patch will release, and the content of the patch may change during development. Should you have any comments or feedback, please let us know in the comments or via the usual channels, and remember that feedback can also be left via our dedicated feedback discussion thread - [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/2026750/discussions/0/5789982181540189847/?snr=2_9_100003_]here[/url]