Patch 1.4 Beta Available

Astra Protocol 2

Monitors have received notification of an unknown event, referred to as ASTRA PROTOCOL. You have been designated search and reconnaissance to determine the meaning of this ASTRA PROTOCOL. SECONDARY OBJECTIVE: Find evidence of survivors. PROBABILITY OF HOSTILES: HIGH.

Attention Captains, Patch 1.4 is nearing completion - all new features have been implemented, but some tweaks, refinement, and bug fixing remains. As this patch has been in development for a while, we've decided to give you a preview of what is to come and upload patch 1.4 as a beta. To opt in to this beta, go to the Astra Protocol 2 properties in the Steam client, select Betas and opt into the beta named [b]beta[/b]. As this is a beta, we must stress that it is not a finalised product so bugs and issues are highly likely. We strongly recommend you backup and store elsewhere any save files. Additionally, some of the remaining tasks involve updating the documentation to account for the new features. This beta is likely to change as we perform more updates and fixes, but if you're happy to have a look at what we've been working on, feel free to dive in! We would also appreciate any feedback around the new features - Does something not work? Does something look odd? Is something occurring too often? As usual, we can't provide a date for when the patch will be made public, but watch this space!