True Scale 1.010 Patch Notes


TrueScale is a groundbreaking interior design tool that can simultaneously create 2D floor plans, 3D mockups, and full room-scale environments in VR. With TrueScale, anyone can design their house, office or apartment in minutes, and then virtually experience it first-hand in real scale.

Hey Everyone! We as a development team would like to thank, all of you who decided to help us to create a better product by joining our Early Access. Your opinion and feedback are very valuable to us and we read every single comment and opinion in order to make our software better. Today we launch our first patch fixing some of the issues you reported: [h1] Version 1.010[/h1] [b] Features:[/b] [list] [*]Added autodetection if user is using imperial or metric units [*]Added snap grid auto adjustment, when users stand far from the board the snapping grid increases to eliminate shaky hand effect and lowers as users get closer to the board. [/list] [b]Changes:[/b] [list] [*]Changed Sideboard UI units and reset table buttons [*]Slightlty improved main room graphics [/list] [b]Bugs Fixed:[/b] [list] [*]next page arrow didn't t appear on wall textures and floor textures tab [*]deleting window or door on a floorplan left an empty hole in a wall [*]first saves appeared to height so they cover photos appeared cut [*]when selected change floor texture, the pointer froze when changed to different mode [/list]