Traveler's Bastion - Balance and DLC Attack Update - April 26, 2023

Traveler's Bastion

A horde survival and tower defense mashup. Guard your traveling castle from an imperial army trying to hunt you down. Combine elemental bending styles and theorycraft the perfect set of game-breaking ability chains.

[list] [*] DLC Auto-Attack Upgrades are here! [*] Same mechanics as all other Auto-Attack upgrades. Six total upgrades per attack with three attacks per character and four characters (Minus Cade's Uppercut preview) is 66 new upgrades! [*] Reworked Sanctuary! It's not explained in the description, but the Behemoth can now attack and aggro multiple enemies at once, giving it the chance to wipe out multiple enemies. Statwise, Sanctuary has been buffed as well [*] Increased enemy difficulty scaling on all difficulties [*] Minor enemy buffs [*] Recoloured a bunch of hard-to-read (albeit pretty :( ) rainbow text [*] Fixed a bug where Ace’s Spell Affinities would apply strangely in the Spell Mayhem sidequest [*] Made more balance changes to some Attacks to compensate for the new upgrades [*] Dawn’s Spear attack nerfed [*] Fixed minor bugs revolving around DLC auto-attacks [*] Reworded additional confusing or inconsistent Attack descriptions [*] Fixed a bug revolving around specific summons [/list] Hope these work out well! I'm glad I was able to do justice to my favourite character (Dawn) and hope maybe your favourites will be that much more exciting too! Thanks for your support <3 - Simon