Transformation randomizer, unbinding and rebinding fixes, additional languages

Suika Shapes

Strategically match an insane number of shapes and make a watermelon without running out of space in ​this new hit action puzzle game! Featuring intense versus modes, and relaxing co-operative modes, play online or offline however you'd like!

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44744550/b5a60db019a21da796d9173f1df676a327b83f21.png[/img] [h1]Transformation Randomizer Mode[/h1] A new mode, transformation randomizer has been added. You can now play transformation mode with a random configuration of shapes. To continue playing with the current shape order, retry normally. To get a new shape order, press play from the mode select panel. I'd like to add more control in the future. [h2]Unbinding and rebinding update[/h2] Some bugs with rebinding should be fixed, and now you can unbind things you do not want to be bound. There may still be issues so let me know if there are any problems. You should be able to navigate this panel on controller now as well. [h2]Additional Language support[/h2] Support for the following languages has been added: [list] [*] Polish [*] German [*] Russian [*] French [*] Ukranian [/list] [h2]A Demo for my game Sklime is now available[/h2] If you're interested in games like Getting Over It, you may be interested in my upcoming game Sklime, a brutally difficult twin-stick climbing game made for controllers. You can try it out free on Steam. Wishlists help a lot if you are interested: [url=][/url] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44744550/1ead3c895b6d6591accf0a8cf46764ae12d6723c.gif[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44744550/35686a1e67051768df891c9477a62fb86bd4b60f.gif[/img] [h2]Top scores on the new stages[/h2] Thanks to everyone who tried out the new stages. These were the top Circles scores for Co-op Wheel and Co-op Pins [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44744550/b671b17f305fc6914ce45a880732b2b543978fbb.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44744550/a7e0277da98702e48a79276c9b22cc352c13c91e.png[/img] And these were the top Circles scores for Wheel and Pins (solo) [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44744550/7d02c4f37615c48eea73f9d58e0c239b06d3781c.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44744550/fe2e61a7f27c295900411be42394ae1c50009649.png[/img] If you'd like you can follow me on [url=]twitter/X[/url] for updates, or join the community discord below [url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44744550/5aba88ed703a58c27086c96bbbc9b818b6f0cbd6.png[/img][/url]