THQ Nordic released a Gothic remake prototype to see if fans want it | Gothic Playable Teaser | Gamehypes

THQ Nordic released a Gothic remake prototype to see if fans want it

Gothic Playable Teaser

The Kingdom of Myrtana has been invaded by an implacable horde of orcs. King Rhobar II, in need of a large quantity of magical ore in order to forge powerful weapons, operates the Khorinis mines with all available prisoners.

Do people want a remake of Piranha Bytes’ 2001 fantasy RPG Gothic? Maybe, series owners THQ Nordic think, so they’ve made a prototype of a remake and last night gave it to fans to see what they think. This prototype looks all shiny and new, obviously, while also modernising other parts of the old formula. The company say that if people like this wee teaser, they’ll go ahead with remaking the whole thing. If not, they won’t. The prototype is available now to anyone who owns a Piranha Bytes game on Steam.
