These Doomed Isles - Starter Deck Builds

Hello everyone! We're excited to dive into the deep strategy of deck-building that drives the core game-play of [i]These Doomed Isles[/i]. In this post, we'll explore various deck builds for [i]Cernunos[/i] and [i]Plutus[/i] that you can create to overcome the challenges that await you. Whether you prefer to focus on economic growth, devastating attacks, or utilising unique mechanics, there's a deck that suits your style. [h2]Cernunos Decks[/h2] [h3]Rapid Scaling[/h3] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42150292/1c77124fa3ae268d46ed66aa168bcd3dde823a37.png[/img] - Cabin x3 - Land x1 - Land x1 - Research Library x1 - Meteor Storm x1 - Fish x1 - Fishing Platform x1 - Forest x1 - Panning Hut x1 - Refuge x1 Perfect for a slow and steady start to your run, [i]Cernunos' Rapid Scaling[/i] deck will put you in the perfect position to take on anything that comes your way. Focus on resource gathering and stockpiling as you try and get as many cards unlocked from the [i]research library[/i] as possible. [h3]Ready for Battle[/h3] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42150292/213a830c7e43ea580c3e003baafae9144874af05.png[/img] - Cabin x2 - Relocate x1 - Land x1 - Research Library x1 - Meteor Storm x1 - Hailstorm x1 - Ambush x1 - Crossbow Tower x1 - Fishing Platform x1 - Forest x1 - Panning Hut x1 Prepare your forces for the mightiest of battles with [i]Cernunos' Ready for Battle[/i] deck. Scale your population, lay traps and be ready to fact any kind of threats that may come your way. [h2]Plutus Decks[/h2] [h3]Prepare for Prosperity[/h3] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42150292/1b7c9d855723cdee7670d724c03121e7f343b661.png[/img] - Fish x1 - Forest x2 - Democracy x1 - Refuge x1 - Taxation x1 - Hoplite x1 - Land x1 - Meteor Storm x1 - Mud House x2 - Research Library x1 Good fortune will come easily when utilising Plutus' [i]Prepare for Prosperity[/i] deck. A gread all around deck that will be good for any situation, be prepared to pivot your strategy at a moments notice and guide your followers to victory. [h3]The Greater Good[/h3] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42150292/eb900c0cfe91e6d87a97aea66d22e2f5560ecbfe.png[/img] - Catapult x1 - Democracy x2 - Refuge x2 - Taxation x1 - Land x2 - Meteor Storm x1 - Mud House x2 - Research Library x1 Grow your following quickly, collect their taxes and keep them happy. [i]Plutus' The Greater Good[/i] is a quick early scaling deck focused towards gathering as much gold as possible to use for purchasing further cards to show your followers the path of victory requires sacrifices for the benefit of everyone. Good luck on your adventures and let us know how you utilise these starting decks, and make sure to head over to our [url=]Discord[/url] or Steam Forums to let us know what your personal deck builds are!