Deckbuilder Update Deeper Dive

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42150292/f7aeaeb3585bd0fac8afccc730013b565759e4ce.png[/img] [h2]Brand New Features[/h2] [list] [*]The [b]Research Library[/b] will be available to build. This allows you to gain [b]Discovery cards[/b], which can be used to increase the rate at which you will see specific cards in the [b]Harvest shop[/b]. This will hopefully reduce the impact of RNG and increase the control you have over your strategy! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42150292/f102cd63a94f251898b61d4b329c814c2ced1161.png[/img] [*] [b]21 new objectives[/b] will be added, meaning that you will have to play differently each time in order to achieve victory! [*]You will no longer trigger events from connecting to islands, these will instead trigger at specific population thresholds and give you a side quest to complete. Success or failure will lead to [b]consequences[/b]. [*]You will discover [b]houses[/b], [b]enemy camps[/b] and [b]ruins[/b] on islands. [*]You will be able to [b]choose the cards[/b] that make up your [b]starting hand[/b]. This is an effort to give you the ability to strategise more ahead of each run and have more control over your strategy! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42150292/8dc95c947916ceeb92d19f671424df99b764b743.gif[/img] [*]It will be possible to set an [b]additional challenge[/b] to complete a run within a certain number of years. Success will reward you with stars that can be used to unlock more powerful cards for your starting deck. Failure will lead to your island falling into the sea [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42150292/2dbb34ed0679bfac83a68d45b7822911082e5a09.gif[/img] [h2]Balance Changes[/h2] Yet another tweak to how population works! It’s still affected by happiness, but now you get a range of followers depending on happiness level: [list] [*]At [b]100%+[/b] you will [b]gain 2-5 followers[/b]. [*]At [b]95%+[/b] you will [b]gain 2-3 followers[/b]. [*]At [b]85%+[/b] you will [b]gain 1-3 followers[/b]. [*]At [b]70%+[/b] you will [b]gain 1-2 followers[/b]. [*]At [b]50%+[/b] you will [b]gain 1 follower[/b]. [*]At [b]less than 25%[/b] you will begin to [b]lose followers[/b]. [/list]