BIG NEWS: Deckbuilder Update, TactiCon & Summer Sale!

[h2]Introducing the Deckbuilder Update - Releasing July 18th[/h2] Hey everyone! I hope you are all staying safe in the sun. We are so excited to let you all know about the next major update for [b]These Doomed Isles[/b]; The Deckbuilder Update - coming [b]July 18th[/b]! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42150292/8dc95c947916ceeb92d19f671424df99b764b743.gif[/img] The Deckbuilder Update introduces a plethora of new features, bug fixes, balance changes and quality of life updates. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42150292/2dbb34ed0679bfac83a68d45b7822911082e5a09.gif[/img] More details to come [b]very soon[/b]. [h2]Steam Summer Sale[/h2] As of [b]RIGHT NOW[/b], [b]These Doomed Isles[/b] will be available at a discounted rate as part of the Steam summer sale. it's time to enjoy the sun and some awesome discounted games! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42150292/27ea566ae49c86c47eeea70c135ba0e1ef7aa011.png[/img] [h2]We're in the Steam Tacticon Event[/h2] We are also thrilled to let you all know about our participation in the Steam TactiCon 2024! Starting from the 18th - 22nd of July we will be showcasing [b]These Doomed Isles[/b] and it's strategic, tactical game play in conjunction with its brand new Deckbuilder update releasing on the very same day. Check out the full line up of games right [url=]HERE[/url]. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42150292/e6bddce45834a86a5b4077ee8df88e524e633687.png[/img] We can't wait to show you more of what's to come in the new update. Thanks for all your support!