The Winter Update (v0.1.4.0)

Odd Remedy

Escape the open-world island infested with monster spiders while on duty as a prisoner with your friends. Loot the city, destroy the caves, take some selfies on the way out in your car before you set sail.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44999957/8eae4a5d68078c2707aa485b73dbfb3b2ec13095.png[/img] [NEW STUFF] [list] [*] Added prison yard (unlocked by buying a Yard Key in the prison shop) [*] Added a winter environment (snowy environment, snow weather effects, christmas items and slippery car tires) [*] Added needing to unlock phone before using it (to help new players learn cursor navigation) [*] Decreased cave echo loudness [*] Added weather effects to the menu and prison [/list] [NEW ITEMS] [list] [*] Added Christmas Tree [*] Added Christmas Hat [*] Added Gift Box [*] Added Candy Cane [*] Added Snowball [*] Added Coal [/list] [IMPROVEMENTS] [list] [*] Fixed document photo objective not counting from further away [*] Fixed props and items flying around when being synced [*] Fixed windows and doors stuck in walls stuttering [*] Fixed player not being in car on game start ("seat taken" is stuck later) [*] Fixed trees rotated too much on steep hills [*] Fixed items duplicating from active game [*] Fixed Console not scrolling down [*] Fixed pressing Enter while in Console opening prison chat input [*] Fixed prison storage box interaction bounds (unable to use it when it's upside down) [*] Improved crosshair visibility [/list] Please consider joining the Discord server!