
Odd Remedy

Escape the open-world island infested with monster spiders while on duty as a prisoner with your friends. Loot the city, destroy the caves, take some selfies on the way out in your car before you set sail.

[list] [*] Added gas cans creating a puddle of fire when shot, hit or burnt in a fire [*] Added shooting a gas puddle setting it on fire [*] Made arachnophobia mode spiders have 2 legs instead of 4 [*] Increased default brightness setting from 0.5 to 0.75 [*] Added game tips on loading and game over screens [*] Made the font a bit easier to read [*] Added phone calling and chats to prison [*] Added helicopter pickup spot icon on the phone map [*] Added a gallery button shortcut in phone camera [*] Added player colors to phone contacts [*] Removed the end work week button and instead start the heli car pickup after completing all objectives [*] Fixed items floating in the cave as if they were in water [*] Fixed cave map document being too bright and unreadable in photos when lit from up close [*] Fixed action hint icons stuttering [*] Fixed taking photo of spiders broken [*] Fixed declined connection getting stuck bug [*] Fixed phone not being unselected in prison with item switch buttons [*] Fixed another player ending a phone call for other players that are already in a call [*] Fixed phone not initializing bug (causing some buttons to be greyed out, map not working, phone calls not working right, a gap in contacts list) [*] Fixed showing tutorial to "start the engine" on toilet seats [*] Some small fixes and optimizations [/list]